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It All Starts With A Content Consultation

Analyzing and developing a video content strategy is an important path for every brand, and I offer two ways to take advantage.

One Day Workshop – You got it, we spend one full day breaking down the key performance indicators for content in your industry. We identify the content you could be capitalizing on, and generate ideas that coincide with your social channels, production limitations and target budget. This package gets your marketing and communications moving in the right direction, and begins to open up possibilities for effective ongoing content creation.

The Complete Package – Let me dive deep into your business model and discover the multiple video content options that will best serve your Brand’s goals for the future. A detailed creative deck will lay out what your customers are already consuming, numerous content concepts to stand out from the competition, and ways to maximize reach through specific distribution channels. I map out key themes for content effectiveness and workflow options. Whether your content’s purpose is to get featured in the press, sell a product or produce earned media, what’s most important is that your customers find it, identify with it and give you the appropriate response. Get your next year’s content strategy locked down now!


Once We’re Greenlit


Content Creative

With a content strategy in place, we engage the filmmaking process by crafting a detailed creative brief for each piece of content.

This “blueprint” includes script writing, storyboards, lighting schematics, styling, location specs, casting specs, performance coaching, animatics, and so much more. This ensures every person involved in the process is on the same page for production and post, and that every piece of content produced tells a compelling and consistent story.


Production and Post

As a Producer, I consider every nuance of a story to bring the highest production value to a budget. I assemble production teams from some of the best talent at every level of the filmmaker journey. Having produced hundreds of productions big and small, you’re in for a professional experience. We’ll handle each component nuts to bolts; including scheduling, scouting, set design, equipment, crews, still photography, wardrobe, talent and more.

Once “in the can”, our editorial team brings your content to life with music, color correction, animated graphic design, VEX, and sound mixing. We make sure all content adheres to strict quality standards, as well as your brand guidelines.



Okay, now imagine that the creative and execution for your video are so amazing that everyone involved is sure the video will go viral… it won’t. Dollar Shave Club happened 9 years ago. The truth these days is that converting video requires strategic distribution, and that’s why I partner with expert ad buyers from the start to ensure messaging and campaign tactics fit creative.

Together with earned media and organic creative strategy, we can match a social ad spend with each video to boost it at appropriate moments to the right audience, driving rapid, measurable, and predictable growth.

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